About me
My name is Damian Połomski, and I hold a PhD in chemical sciences, which I obtained from the University of Warsaw. During my doctoral studies, I collaborated with the University of Nevada and the Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. I have over ten years of experience working in radioisotope laboratories, which I began during my undergraduate studies and continued through my master’s program in Nuclear Power Engineering and Nuclear Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw.
During my studies, I had the opportunity to co-conduct research at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France. I also completed an internship at the Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology and had practical training at the National Atomic Energy Agency. I participated in study visits to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, Switzerland), the Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant (Switzerland), and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia.
I am a co-author of scientific publications in the field of nuclear chemistry published in international journals from the Philadelphia list and a co-inventor on a patent.
I began my professional career at the Radiation Emergency Centre of the National Atomic Energy Agency. During my work with the Polish nuclear regulatory body, I participated in a three-month training program at the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic. Thanks to many years of practice, I have an excellent understanding of the complexities related to nuclear safety and radiation protection. I hold a Radiation Protection Officer license (IOR-1) and am a graduate of postgraduate studies in “Occupational Safety and Health” conducted by the Warsaw University of Technology and the Central Institute for Labor Protection – National Research Institute.
I have had the pleasure of participating in numerous trainings and workshops organized by national and international institutions, including:
- Train the Trainers Course on Contingency Response Planning for Facilities Using or Storing Nuclear Material at the Nuclear Security Training and Demonstration (IAEA, Seibersdorf, Austria),
- International Workshop on Management of the Response to a Nuclear Security Event at Nuclear Facilities (IAEA, Beijing, China),
- XII International Nuclear Forum, Safety of Nuclear Technologies: Emergency Preparedness and Response (Rosatom, Saint Petersburg, Russia),
- Workshop on Applying Emergency Preparedness and Response Requirements for NPP Licensing and Operation (PAA, Warsaw, Poland),
- Advanced Orphan Source Search and Secure Training (U.S. Department of Energy, Warsaw, Poland).
Participation in these trainings allowed me to gain valuable experience and broaden my knowledge in the area of nuclear safety and radiation protection.
I have several years of experience in team management. I love acquiring new knowledge and broadening my horizons, which is why I am currently a student in the postgraduate “Project Management” program at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
In my free time, I enjoy cycling, traversing Poland and Europe with a tent in my panniers. I am passionate about flying drones and editing videos from my travels. On cold evenings, I happily reach for non-fiction literature and popular science books.